Slammer 20 Years After

On this date twenty years ago the Internet came as close to a total meltdown as we’ve ever seen since the commercialization of the Internet. A tiny UDP worm payload of just 376 bytes spread to all remotely accessible and vulnerable Microsoft SQL servers listening on port 1434 within a matter of minutes. This tiny payload ultimately infected roughly 75 thousand hosts worldwide and the disruption it caused made international news. Read more...

An Affair with IPv6 DAD

The title of this post refers to a network function commonly known as duplicate address detection (DAD). The complete story will cover a range of seemingly unrelated technologies including ARP, Perl socket programming, systemd, IPv6, and a once-popular LAN technology that if you’ve never seen you probably never will, Token Ring. It all starts with a fake DNS server. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention DNS is here as well, but that is just a happy coincidence. Read more...

The Making of BCP 235

“DNS over TCP is a thing, please don’t block it. kthxbye.” That is how I whimsically tweeted my summary of IETF RFC 9210, a new BCP co-authored with Duane Wessels. The history of the document is rooted in a chance encounter over seven years ago. For posterity, here is my version of how it came to be. In December 2014, a former student informed me of an interaction with another instructor where my name had come up. Read more...

Debian on a Lenovo ThinkPad P15 Gen2

My first ThinkPad was the 600e with 128 MB of RAM. In 2000 I wiped out Windows NT that came with it and installed Mandrake. A couple years later I switched to Debian and I’ve been using that as my preferred OS ever since. My most recent ThinkPad is the P15 Gen2. As of this writing there is not a Wikipedia page for it. This is a brief record of my experience getting Debian running on the P15. Read more...