New jtk WWW home

I’ve never been particularly satisfied with any web page hosting solution. For years I resorted to maintaining my own simple HTML (i.e. no CSS). If not a little lame and somewhat messy to maintain, this worked more or less fine for me for many years. Now, with the proliferation of handheld devices such as mobile phones, my basic HTML pages are even less appealing to look at and navigate. There are numerous frameworks, templates, and themes with which to build and maintain web pages. Read more... DNS over TCP survey

I recently repeated the DNS over TCP survey given to the REN-ISAC community with the FIRST community. FIRST membership is largely made up of incident response teams from around the globe. All types of industry sectors are represented within FIRST such as national CSIRTs, banks, governments, and software vendors. I thought it might be interesting to repeat the survey with a security community where there may be some, but relatively little overlap in membership. Read more...

REN-ISAC DNS over TCP survey

In April of this year I conducted an informal two-question survey aimed at the general membership population of the REN-ISAC community. The intent was to gather personal positions and associated member institution stances on DNS over TCP (i.e. should it be filtered, restricted, or unfettered). I was interested in gathering Internet community perceptions after a recently submitted Internet-Draft on DNS Transport over TCP was adopted by the IETF dnsop working group. Read more...

Security: NETCONF in the Wild

Editor’s note: Imported from my old personal blog @ TC with minor edits to improve readability where necessary. This work was conducted in collaboration with James Schaefer and Maciej Leja.