John Kristoff's talks

A sampling of recent and relevant public speaking engagements.

SMTP Distributed Monitoring in-the-wild”", accepted lightning talk, NANOG 93, 2025. [pdf]

DNSSEC-related Outages: A measurement perspective”, accepted talk, NANOG 93, 2025. [pdf]

On DNSSEC-related Outages”, invited talk, ICANN 81 DNSSEC Workshop, 2024. [pdf]

Internet Sanctions on Russian Media: Actions and Effects”, accepted talk, FOCI 24, 2024. [pdf]

Netops on Mastodon”, accepted lightning talk, NANOG 87, 2023. [pdf]

Assessing the Aftermath: Evaluating the effects of a global DDoS-for-hire service takedown”, accepted talk, NANOG 87, 2023. Co-presented with Richard Clayton. [video]

The Sensor Network: Operation and Analysis”, accepted talk, FIRST Regional Symposium Europe, February 1, 2023. [pdf]

Border Security: Lessons from All Over”, invited talk, Daemoncon, January 27, 2023. [pdf]

The 2022H1 DDoS Threat Landscape Report”, accepted talk, NANOG 86, 2022. [video]

The DDoS Threat Landscape Report”, accepted talk, CHI-NOG 11, 2022. [video]

DDoS and Routing Security”, accepted BoF session, FIRSTCON22, 2022. [pdf]

Core Systems OSS”, accepted panel discussion, NANOG 84, 2022. [pdf]

Famous Internet Outages”, accepted panel discussion, NANOG 83, 2021. [pdf]

In Conversation: RIR Tech Talk”, accepted panel discussion, NANOG 81, 2021. [pdf]

RPKI Research”, invited talk, RIPE 81 Academic and NREN Session, 2020. [pdf]

Why Do We Still Have DDoS Attacks?”, accepted panel discussion, NANOG 80, 2020. [pdf]

RPKI Trust Anchor Usage and Cache Consistency”, accepted lightning talk, NANOG 78, 2020. [pdf]

DNS Analysis and Threats in IPv6 Automatic Transition Mechanisms”, accepted talk, DNS-OARC 32, 2020. [pdf]

RPKI Usage and Consistency”, accepted talk, FIRST Regional Symposium Europe 2020. [pdf]

Who, What, Where, and How: An Insider’s View of the Internet Security Community”, invited talk, WIE-KISMET, 2019. [pdf]

A Research ISP for Experiments, Insight & Research”, invited talk, WIE-KISMET, 2019. [pdf]

DNS Inconsistency”, accepted talk, ICANN DNS Symposium, 2018. [pdf]